Profispieler Dominic Dale zieht nach fast 4 Jahren zurück auf die britische Insel. Der Waliser wird Wien - und damit leider auch die 15 Reds - in diesen Tagen verlassen und sich in der Nähe des South West Snooker Academys in Gloucester niederlassen. Grund ist der dichtgedrängte Terminkalender im Profisnooker.

In einem ausführlichen Bericht auf sagt Dominic dazu:

"When I had a good look at the tournament calendar last month, I worked out that travelling to and from from Vienna for the whole season was going to cost me around £15,000 ... To be based anywhere other than the UK is prohibitively expensive because there are so many tournaments now ... I have to take an objective view of things because I am a professional sportsman and I want to do well. As a self-employed sportsman you have to consider yourself a business, and from a financial perspective it doesn't make sense any more to live outside the UK."

Und über unseren Club sagt Dominic:

"I will be sad to leave Vienna because I have a lot of friends there. I want to say thanks to the Koo 15 Reds snooker club for the support and friendship I had there. I love the culture in Vienna, the beautiful buildings, the opera house and the cosmopolitan nature of the city. I will miss it but I can still go back on holiday."

[Quelle: World Snooker, hier ist der komplette Bericht]

Dear Dominic, it was great to have you here at the 15 Reds as one of us for 4 years! We are going to miss your cheerful presence here but we'll always keep following you rising further up the world rankings! All the best!!!